5 Easy Standing Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat (Without Any Equipment) - HealthMyst

5 Easy Standing Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat (Without Any Equipment)

Because life is so busy these days, finding effective ways to stay fit without using special tools is essential. Many people think that belly fat is stubborn and hard to eliminate but it can be not very pleasant for many. You can work on this area without any tools if you do the correct movements. Here are five workouts you can do while standing that are meant to burn belly fat. These will help you reach your fitness goals quickly and easily.


1. Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are a great way to burn belly fat because they are an essential aerobic exercise that simultaneously works for many muscle groups. This easy exercise raises your heart rate, speeds up your metabolism and helps you burn calories more efficiently. Place your feet together and keep your arms by your sides as you stand. This is how you do jumping jacks. Now jump while separating your legs shoulder-width apart and raising your arms above your head. To return to the starting position jump back to the starting stance. Aim for several sets of hopping jacks to burn the most fat and improve your heart health.


2. High Knees

High knees are an active workout that works the core muscles especially the lower abs. This workout is excellent for getting your heart healthy and burning calories. Stand with your arms at your sides and your feet hip width apart. This is how you do high knees. To start, lift one knee to your chest and raise the other arm simultaneously. As you bring the first knee down quickly, increase the other knee to your chest and the arm across your body. Do this back and forth and move soon as if running in place.

Low abs hip flexors, quads and legs are also worked out. The fast movement makes the heart beat faster which helps build aerobic endurance. Change the speed and height of the knee raise to make this exercise work for people of different fitness levels. For beginners a slower pace with lower knee raises can work. As fitness improves, speed and height can slowly increase.

When you do high knees as part of your workout you can burn calories, strengthen your core and get fitter overall. To maximize your workout try doing high knees as part of a high intensity interval training HIIT routine or on your own. High knees are also easy to do anywhere, making them a good choice for people who want to change their workouts but don’t have any tools.


3. Standing Bicycle Crunches

The standing bicycle crunch is a twist on the standard bicycle crunch that works the abs without having to lie on the floor. This exercise strengthens the core specifically the rectus abdominis and obliques. It also improves balance and agility. Start by standing with your feet hip width apart and your hands lightly touching your temples.

This is how you do standing bicycle crunches. Use your core muscles to keep your body stable. As you lift your right knee to your chest, twist your body so that your left arm is next to your right knee. During the whole workout keep your moves under control and your core tight. Lift your left knee to your chest and twist your body to bring your right arm to your left knee.

Then return to the starting position and do it again on the other side. Standing bicycle crunches burn belly fat because they work many muscles including the obliques which help shape the waist and move from side to side. This workout also improves balance and rhythm because you have to stay stable while turning.


4. Standing Oblique Twists

Standing oblique twists are a great way to work out the obliques which are the muscles on the sides of your belly. As you stand, spread your feet shoulder width apart and hold your arms straight out in front of you parallel to the floor. To keep your body stable use your core muscles.

Next twist your upper body to the right while keeping your feet firmly on the ground and your hips looking forward. Let your arms move with the motion and twist to the right as far as you can without getting hurt. Hold the twist for a moment then return to the beginning and do it again on the other side.

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Switch sides slowly and pay attention to how your oblique muscles tighten with each twist.

Standing oblique twists not only make the muscles on the sides of your stomach stronger and more toned but they also make your spine more flexible and stable. Adding this exercise to your practice can help you get a stronger and more defined stomach and improve your general core strength.


5. Standing Side Leg Raises

Side leg raises while standing are a simple but effective way to work out the hip thigh and upper glute muscles also called abductors. To start, stand tall with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Use your core muscles to keep your body stable.

Next keep your knee straight and your toes facing forward as you lift your right leg to the side as high as possible. Stand with your leg raised for a moment. Then slowly lower it back to the starting position. Lift your left leg to the side and then bring it back down. Do the same thing on the other side.

Side leg raises while standing not only tone and build the muscles in your lower body but also work your core muscles to keep your balance.

10 Easy Standing Exercises for Abs: With No Equipment

Adding this exercise to your routine will make your hips more flexible, your muscles more robust and your lower body tighter and more shapely.



You don’t need any tools to do these five standing workouts to eliminate belly fat and improve your core. Every exercise from high knee marches to standing mountain climbers works out many muscles, makes you more balanced and makes you fitter overall. Adding these moves to your regular workouts allows you to work toward your fitness goals without leaving your house. So start getting your body healthy and more robust today by adding these workouts to your daily routine.

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